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Planning University- Sponsored Youth Programs and Camps

Use this form in addition to "How to Register Your Program" prior to commencing university-sponsored children and youth programs and camps. The form includes questions to help program directors plan events regarding Program Planning and Administration, Supervision, Medical Issues, Training and Expectations, Transportation, Discipline, and Safety and Security.

Program Administration and Planning





Review applicable forms

  • Hold Harmless

  • Parental Consent

  • Medical Information and Release

  • Media Release (social media, video, or photography)

  • Third-Party Contract

  • Transportation

Are documentation and notification procedures in place to respond to an adverse event?

Are emergency notification procedures in place, including a backup plan should parents/guardians be unavailable?

Has the facility been reserved, and confirmation has been obtained?

Have you made provisions to address the special needs of participants (e.g., allergies, mobility, etc.?

Have you registered your covered program with Children and Youth Safety?





Have background checks been performed on all program staff?

What level of supervision do the participants require?

Is the child/adult ratio within New York State guidelines based on the type of activities and ages of participants, including when overnight programming is scheduled?

Are there established check-in procedures and check-out procedures?

Have you reviewed the Standards of Behavior with Children and Youth with all program staff?

Have all program staff taken CULearn training?

Are all program staff knowledgeable on what to do in an emergency?

Are procedures in place to address programming violations for participants?

Are procedures in place to address university policy violations for program staff?

Is the program time scheduled with minimal or no free unsupervised time?

  • If not, what can you do to minimize unsupervised activities or time on the schedule?

Do all program staff know the Program Director and Sponsoring Office and understand the programming procedures?

Medical Issues




Is there a medical verification/release from a healthcare professional confirming the ability of the children and youth participants to safely participate in activities?

Have provisions been made for special medical needs or restrictions (e.g., dietary)?

Are there adequate provisions to safeguard access to medications?

Do you have a mechanism to require medical clearance if there is a questionable risk on the health assessment form?

Has medical information and authorization to treat been received?

How will the distribution of medications be addressed?

  • The name of the medication

  • The dosage of the medication

  • The name and telephone number of the prescribing physician

Is there a system in place to record the distribution of medication information?

  • Name of Participant

  • Name of Medication

  • Dosage

  • Date and each instance that it was administered

  • Signature/Initial of the person administering the medication

What are the procedures for addressing health issues and concerns?

Are there procedures in place to ensure medical care is sought when needed?

Has obtained authorization to treat?

Is medical history available for medical providers?

Have parents/guardians been fully apprised of their financial responsibility for medical care?

Is health insurance information available?

What provisions have been made to care for injured/ill participants?

  • Are Program Directors fully aware of their responsibility to provide care?

  • Are there adequate program staff available to provide custodial care until parents/guardians arrive?

  • What options are available for relocating contagious individuals?

What is the plan for transporting injured/ill children and youth home?

  • Is there an adequate backup plan?

Expectations and Training




Is there an education program for the children and youth participants regarding behavioral expectations and other strategies for minimizing risks during program participation?

Is there a comprehensive training program for program staff who will serve as supervisors and/or instructors for this program?

  • What are the components of this training and how often is this training scheduled?

  • Have the program staff completed CULearn #RMI101? 

  • Have the program staff familiarized themselves with the Standards of Behavior with Children and Youth Guide?

Do the program directors understand university and New York State requirements for children and youth programming?





Will participants be transported for this event?

If transportation is provided are transportation forms collected?

If field trips are planned, who will provide transportation? ___________





Are participants and parents/legal guardians fully apprised of the participant rules and the consequences of not adhering to programming rules?

Are there procedures in place to address discipline issues?

Who at Cornell needs to be notified of a discipline incident? ___________

How is the notification to occur? ________

Who decides on the method/seriousness of discipline? __________

Is there an opportunity to appeal? ________

What additional procedures will be followed in the event of allegations of illegal activities (Note: The Department of Public Safety must be contacted)?

If it is determined that participants are unable to remain with the program, are provisions in place to return the disciplined participant home?

Safety and Security




Are all program staff trained and aware of their reporting obligations?

Have all children and youth and parents been made aware of reporting mechanisms?

Have facilities been inspected to ensure they are well-maintained and suitable for children and youth?

Are recreational events or activities that involve physical activity included in the programming (Examples: running, jumping, swimming, climbing activities at a height greater than six (6) feet, lifting weights, contact or field competition sports)?

Do any of the activities for this program involve the operation of hand or power tools such as saws, Exacto knives, drills, scissors, or scalpels?

  • Have arrangements been made for review of the safe use, proper handling, and supervision of participants engaged in these activities or utilizing such devices?

  • How will a review be conducted so that participants including supervisors understand safe handling protocols?

  • What process is in place to check the safety of equipment at regular intervals during the program?

  • Have measures been taken to restrict access to this equipment when not in use?

  • What proactive steps have you taken to minimize the risks associated with each of the physical activities listed above?

Have you consulted with Environment, Health & Safety (EHS); or Risk Management and Insurance regarding activities that pose unique risk factors?