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Abuse Reporting at Cornell University:

Cornell University has a zero-tolerance policy for abuse and misconduct directed toward minors. All program directors and authorized persons in youth programs have an obligation under policy 8.8 to report when they have direct knowledge or reasonable suspicion of any of the following:

  • Abuse
  • Maltreatment
  • Child molestation
  • Sexual misconduct
  • Inappropriate or suspicious behaviors that may not rise to the level of abuse (red-flag behaviors)
  • Peer-to-Peer sexual activity or abuse

Follow these steps to make a report:

  1. If the minor is in immediate danger, dial 911; then
  2. Immediately report to the appropriate campus police or security office at the number below AND to the CYS Office at (607) 255-9062.
    1. Ithaca Campus: Contact Cornell Police (607) 255-1111
    2. Cornell AgriTech: Contact local law enforcement
    3. Cornell Tech: Contact Campus Safety and Security (646) 971-3611
    4. Weill Cornell Medicine-NYC: Contact WCM Security Office (212) 746-0911
    5. Non-Cornell owned/off-campus locations: Contact CYS for guidance
  3. Complete a written incident report in the registered program here.

These reporting obligations do not replace any obligations that New York State Mandated Reporters have under state law. Those individuals considered Mandated Reporters are obligated to follow the above reporting procedures and follow their obligations under New York State Law to report to the Statewide Register for Child Abuse and Maltreatment. More information for Mandated Reporters can be found here

Student Organizations:

If your group is doing outreach work off-campus, please do not call campus security. Instead, please contact CYS immediately at (607) 255-9062. It is also appropriate to report to both your organization's advisor and the individual at the community partner who is responsible for overseeing the volunteer outreach.

911 should be called in any situation where a minor is in immediate danger.