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How to Register Your Youth Program

Youth Program Registration

Policy 8.8 The Protection of Minors and Abuse Reporting requires that program directors register their youth program with CYS and have their program structure approved prior to working with minors at Cornell University.

Program Registration and Approval: Program directors must register their programs with the CYS office at least 30 days prior to the start of the program. This allows for sufficient time for program review and approval and for the completion of background checks.

Annual Re-Registration for Continuing Programs: Continuing programs must re-register annually with CYS to ensure ongoing compliance.

Student Organizations: Student organizations who run youth programs must have at least one officer meet with representatives from CYS prior to program registration.

Compliance: Program Directors are responsible for ensuring all authorized persons are compliant with all of the requirements of policy 8.8. At no time may non-compliant individuals have direct contact with minors in Cornell-affiliated programs.

Note that programs found to have violated the compliance elements of this policy may be subject to a delay in program start, removal of authorized persons from positions which include interaction with minors, cancellation of the program, or revocation of the ability to hold such programs in the future. Student organizations found to be noncompliant with this policy also risk the loss of organizational funding and/or recognition from Campus Activities and Sorority & Fraternity Life.

Registration Procedures:

Ithaca, Geneva & Cornell Tech:

  1. Register your program with CYS in the Ideal-Logic registration system.
  2. Select the top box that says "Cornell SSO Login."
  3. Click on "Youth Program Registration Form."
  4. Select the college or unit that is sponsoring the program.
  5. Complete information on the program name, date(s) and times.
  6. This is not a third party program.
  7. Provide a detailed description of the program and the program's URL if applicable.
  8. Answer whether or not this is a Cooperative Extension program.
  9. Answer whether or not this is a student organization program; if yes, provide advisor's name and contact information.
  10. The next three questions help determine if the program has direct or incidental contact with minors and will assign training requirements accordingly.
  11. Answer the remaining questions about the program's medium, whether there is an overnight component, exact program locations, whether the minor(s) will be in a lab, and whether or not a New York state DoH permit is required.
  12. Enter the estimated number of program participants in each age range; this will provide you with the minimum number of authorized persons you need to run your program.
  13. Add the program director, the person who is responsible for organizing the program. Note that this person will automatically be added as the program contact and as an authorized person. If that is not accurate, you will need to manually change it. The program contact’s phone number should be the one they can be reached at during the program. More than one individual can be listed in this section when appropriate.
  14. Add the authorized persons for the program. Please note that you can upload a spreadsheet of all individuals by clicking on the orange box that says “Upload Authorized Persons.” You will easily be able to see who is already compliant as you add individuals – a red X indicates non-compliance, and a green check mark indicates compliance.
  15. Hit next.
  16. Review all of your information.
  17. Hit the green box that says “Submit Program.” This sends your program over to CYS staff for review.
  18. Once CYS reviews the program and approves it to move forward, individuals will be prompted by the system to complete their background check, training requirements, and volunteer agreement if they have not already done so for another program.
  19. You will be able to monitor compliance within the registered program; when authorized persons have cleared background checks or completed other requirements, they will receive a green check mark that says "Compliant." A red X that says "Not Compliant" means the individual has not yet completed that requirement. 

Weill Cornell Medicine-NYC:

Coming Soon!

Third Parties (including Cornell University LLC Coach programs):

  1. Register your program with CYS in the Ideal-Logic registration system.
  2. Select the bottom box that says "Non-SSO Login."
  3. Click on "Youth Program Registration Form."
  4. Select the college or unit that is sponsoring the program.
  5. Complete information on the program name, date(s) and times.
  6. This is a third party program.
  7. Provide a detailed description of the program and the program's URL if applicable.
  8. Answer the remaining questions about the program's medium, whether there is an overnight component, exact program locations, whether the minor(s) will be in a lab, and whether or not a New York state DoH permit is required.
  9. You will be prompted to upload the signed contract, Certificate of Insurance, and Hold Harmless forms. If you do not have these documents available at the time of registration, they may be uploaded to the system later, but must be uploaded before the program begins.
  10. Answer whether your program is a New York state permitted camp program. If yes, you will be prompted to upload the permit and inspection report. If you do not have these documents available at the time of registration, they may be uploaded to the system later but must be uploaded before the program begins.
  11. You must attest that you have procured and reviewed background checks for all authorized persons that meet or exceed Cornell University's requirements.
  12. You must attest that all authorized persons have completed training in abuse prevention and reporting and behavioral standards for working with youth that meet or exceed Cornell University's requirements.
  13. Enter the estimated number of program participants in each age range; this will provide you with the minimum number of authorized persons you need to run your program.
  14. Add the program director, the person who is responsible for organizing the program. Note that this person will automatically be added as the program contact and as an authorized person. If that is not accurate, you will need to manually change it. The program contact’s phone number should be the one they can be reached at during the program. More than one individual can be listed in this section when appropriate.
  15. Hit next.
  16. Review all of your information.
  17. Hit the green box that says “Submit Program.” This sends your program over to CYS staff for review.