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virtual program guidance

Procedures for Virtual Programs:

  • Authorized persons must always use their Cornell credentials and are prohibited from sharing personal email addresses, phone numbers, or social media handles.
  • At least two authorized persons must be online during live sessions. If it is not possible for two adults to be present, a supervisor must have the link and be able to drop into the call at any time.
  • Access to the online program must be set so that an authorized person must accept each participant into the meeting location to avoid unwanted guests in the program. Consider showing only the first name of each participant.
  • Private messaging options must be turned off on participant accounts – messages and posts must be viewable by all participants.
  • If you utilize breakout rooms, an authorized person must be assigned to monitor each separate room.
  • Parents/guardians should be provided with access information for all virtual meetings and programs and should be able to see the program content and interactions.
  • Limit access to participation by password, invitation, and/or authentication, and have policies in place to discourage sharing this information.
  • Provide guidance to the youth participants prior to the commencement of the program on behavioral expectations and confidentiality issues.
  • All authorized persons should be prepared to close the session in the event in inappropriate participant or adult behavior or “Zoom-bombing.”
  • Authorized persons and program participants should sit in front of a blank wall or use a virtual background.
  • Recording online sessions is strongly discouraged unless it is being used for training purposes. If you wish to record the session, parent/guardian consent must be obtained. Any recordings must be saved to the cloud and not to any personal computer or device.
  • Minors may not engage in activities involving hazardous materials or work with any mechanical tools during an online program.